We are the coordinators of the Bachelor of Engineering (Bioinformatics) degree at UNSW. For undergraduate students, feel free to contact the course coordinator below for more information. For high-school teachers/career coordinators, we are keen to promote bioinformatics to students, and are available for speaking engagements. Please contact Sara Ballouz or Raymond Louie.

We are currently teaching the following courses:

BINF2010: Introduction to BioinformaticsSara BallouzThe course surveys the major areas of bioinformatics, exploring the history of bioinformatics in relation to advances in computing hardware and software; the biological problems currently being addressed using bioinformatics; and future applications of bioinformatics. Major topics include genomics; genome sequencing projects; proteomics; structural genomics; systems biology; phylogeny; medical informatics; and commercial applications of bioinformatics. The general nature of the data, computational problems and the approaches employed will be discussed in each case. Bioinformatics will be discussed both as a scientific discipline and as an engineering discipline. The course will also explore the role of bioinformatics in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries and ethical issues associated with biological data. Lectures are supplemented by practical exposure to bioinformatics web sites and to commonly used bioinformatics software.
BINF3010/BINF9010: Applied BioinformaticsRaymond LouieBioinformatics (the use of computing methods for the management and analysis of molecular biology data) has become an integral component of biomolecular sciences, especially genomics and proteomics. This course focuses on the principles and practical use of bioinformatics methods and resources for the analysis of DNA and protein sequences and structures, as well as results from genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic experiments, with emphasis on their evolutionary underpinnings and statistical foundations. This course does not require programming, however it does involve the use of Linux.