Let’s first discuss general information about the Honours Program. Please note most of the information in Section 2 and Section 3 were taken from the Thesis A (https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs4951), Thesis B (https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs4952) and Thesis C (https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs4953) web-pages. For any discrepancies, the website takes precedence.

In summary, the Honours Program is a scientific and computational research-based program where you will learn to undertake scientific research:

Course Aims

The thesis provides an opportunity for you to bring together engineering principles learned over the previous years of study and apply these principles to innovatively solve problems such as the development of a specific design and/or the investigation of a hypothesis. Thesis projects are complex, open-ended problems that allow room for your creativity, and the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of results. Typically, the project you work with will have multiple possible solutions or conclusions and sufficient complexity to require a degree of project planning. The thesis requires you to formulate problems in engineering terms, manage an engineering project and find solutions by applying engineering methods. You will also develop an ability to work in a research and development environment.

Course Learning Outcomes


For BE students, you must have completed at least 75% of Stage 3 (i.e., approximately 132 units of credit must be completed before enrolling in Thesis Part A).

Contact Information

The first point of contact for all thesis enquiries are:

The thesis administration related enquiries should be sent to jing.hsu@unsw.edu.auu (cc’ing c.t.chou@unsw.edu.au). They will help you through all policy related matters, including thesis extensions, late penalties, result submission, and reassessment coordination.