One of the most important choices you will make is choosing the research project and supervisor. A list of thesis projects and corresponding supervisors are in the Thesis Management System.

Thesis Project

There are some questions you should ask when choosing the thesis project, including:

Choosing a Supervisor

There are also some questions you should ask when choosing a supervisor:

How to Apply for an Honours Project

  1. Enrol in Thesis A, B and C.
  2. Find a Supervisor(s)/project and contact them (See here for a list of projects). We suggest doing this well before the term starts, ideally at least a few weeks before. You should send the supervisor an email detailing:
    • The project you are interested in
    • Why you are interested in the project (I would suggest at least a few sentences)
  3. If the supervisor agrees to take you, submit a formal application for the thesis topic through the thesis management system. If the supervisor is external, they will need to add themselves to the system.
  4. If the supervisor accepts, you will then have to confirm (it’s a three-step process).